Thursday, June 12, 2008

Stuff People Like

Just in case you were wondering:

Stuff White People Like Limited in its scope to yuppies, but then, I suppose most yuppies are white, so, okay, whatever. But keep in mind the Stuff White People in the Midwest Like would be completely different. It would include Jello, Collections, Lawns, Family Reunions, Lakes, Family Reunions at Lakes and Target, among other things.

Stuff Black People Love This is a really funny site. Examples of stuff black people love: Multisyllabic names that end with a vowel and Seeing White People with shorts on when its cold outside (it's like Groundhog Day!).

Stuff Catholics Like Oh so true, so true!! Examples: Retreats, Babies (duh!), Knees, Relics, Miracles, okay but Clapping in Church? I lost you on that one. I was Catholic for 18 years or so and I never clapped in church, unless the occasion warranted it. So it's become a Catholic Thing to clap after the service is over. Really? Funny post though.

I couldn't find Stuff Orthodox People Like but it really writes itself, doesn't it. It's too easy. Standing, beards, icons, incense, monks, calendars, anything Russian or Greek, arguing about esoteric things that no one really understands but that doesn't stop us, etc., etc., etc. Suggestions?

But then I found that, as is the case with most things you start looking into on the internet, this is only the tip of the iceberg. So if you're interested in, say Stuff Iranians Like (it's really, really not anything you might be thinking), it's out there!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hee! Made my day! I would add to Stuff Orthodox People like is gourmet vegan cuisine...'cause we fast at least half the year.

Well, actually, Orthodox People like food at ANY point of the year. I am always eatingat church - some one has always brought a little something for after service. This one gal came up to me at a recent agape meal and asked if I had made the quiches. I said I had. Then she patted me on the back and said "God bless the day you joined our parish!"

So, yeah - I would add food: Orthodox People like food! Even monks, though in limited quanties and ingredients, but they like food too (I offer Vashon monks as proof:)

10:00 AM  
Blogger jack said...

You work at a Catholic school, do people really clap in church these days?

1:06 PM  
Blogger Lia Mey said...

Um...we all did at the end of school Mass:) But generally, know clapping for the end. There is this weird arm gesturing during the "Alleluia" and some clapping during the "Gloria".

It goes: Gloria *clap clap* Gloria! *clap clap* in excelsis Deo! (repeat thrice I believe)

8:52 PM  
Blogger jack said...

Yeah, I know that one.

6:57 PM  

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