Monday, June 16, 2008


Well, as promised, here are some pictures of the newest addition to the family.

Here they all are, pecking and peeping away:

We got six: two Araucanas, two Buff Orptingtons and two Rhode Island Whites. My favorites by far are the Araucanas:

They are fairly mellow-tempered, for chickens, and seem to be the most intelligent and curious of the lot. I think they were the first to have an inkling of a reality outside their box. I'm told they're closer to wild chickens than most breeds, which might have something to to with it. Plus, they lay greenish-blue eggs, (really!) which is certainly a plus!

Here are the Buffs. They'll be a really pretty golden color, and seem fairly easy-going too. I took them all outside for the first time the other day and the Buffs were the first (and quite enthusiastic) to take to the concept to eating bugs, and anything else that moved. Good for them!

And here's the Rhode Island White (below). As of now, this is my least favorite of the breeds. They're quite skittish and are prone to start peeping hysterically if separated from their companions for any amount of time. Apparently it's a rare breed that was developed in the 1800's and has been brought back due to the increased interest in heirloom/heritage flora and fauna. They're supposed to be good layers like the better-known Rhode Island Reds.

I know most of these aren't very good pictures, but I wanted to get these up to at least give you all something to look at. They've grown alot just since I've taken these pictures. Their wings are pretty well feathered out and they're starting to get real feathers on their tails and shoulders. Towards the end of the week they started to notice that they had wings. One would stretch her wings out and flap them, much to the disquietude of all her sisters: "What are you doing?!?!? What's going on?!?!?!? AAAAHHHHH!!! Hey, look, newspaper. I think I'll peck it. . . "
The neighbors have "custody" of them this week, which is just as well since I'll be out of town the latter part of the week.
Pretty cute, huh?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Incredibly cute chicks!

But why were they in your bathroom? Do you have to brush their teeth? Wash wings nightly?
I would like chickens myself, but if they require that much grooming, I don't know...

Then again, I think our condo board would have something to say if I decided to keep chickens on the balcony or in the bathroom...

10:03 AM  
Blogger jack said...

Just bribe them with fresh eggs!

Actually, they're not free-range bathroom chickens. I was keeping their box in there (they have to be kept inside and kept warm while they're little) and I'd take them out to change the newspaper. But the counter seemed the best place to get their pictures.

1:03 PM  

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