Thursday, April 08, 2004

Today (Thursday) we remember the Last Supper, the washing of the feet and the betrayal of Judas. The latter gets the most attention in the hymns, I think. I'm not sure why, maybe because it's the most dramatic, the most unbelievable, and it leads into Good Friday, which we begin commemorating tonight.

When Thou wast feeding Thy disciples at the supper,
Thou didst know Judas’ intention to betray Thee;
And Thou didst accuse him of this,
Though recognizing him to be beyond correction,
For Thou didst desire all to know that Thou wast willingly betrayed,
To snatch the world from the grasp of the enemy.
O long-suffering Lord, glory to Thee.

When Thou camest to Thy voluntary passion, O Lord,
Thou didst cry to Thy disciples:
If you lack the strength to keep watch with Me for a single hour,
why did you promise to die for Me?
See how Judas sleepeth not but hastened to betray Me to the transgressors.
Arise and pray, lest anyone deny Me when he sees Me on the cross.
O long-suffering One, glory to Thee!

What caused thee to betray the Savior, O Judas?
Did He expel thee from the ranks of the Apostles?
Did He take from thee the gift of healing?
Did He send thee from the table while taking supper with the others?
Did He wash their feet and pass thee by?
How hast thou forgotten such good things?
Thine ingratitude is notorious,
But His long-suffering and great mercy are proclaimed to all.


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