Friday, April 09, 2004

Today He who hung the earth upon the waters is hung on the tree.
The King of the angels is decked with a crown of thorns.
He who wraps the heavens in clouds is wrapped in the purple of mockery.
He who freed Adam in the Jordan is slapped on the face.
The Bridegroom of the Church is affixed to the cross with nails.
The Son of the Virgin is pierced by a spear.
We worship Thy passion, O Christ.
We worship Thy passion, O Christ.
We worship Thy passion, O Christ.
Show us also Thy glorious Resurrection.

We see a strange and fearful mystery accomplished today.
He whom none may touch is siezed.
He who looses Adam from the curse is bound.
He who tries the hearts of men is unjustly brought to trial.
He who closed the abyss is shut in prison.
He before whom the hosts of heaven stand with trambling stands before Pilate.
The Creator is struck by the hand of his creature.
He who comes to judge the living and the dead is condemned to the cross.
The conqueror of hell is enclosed in a tomb.
O Thou, who hast endured all things in Thy tender love,
Thou hast saved all men from the curse.
O long-suffering Lord, Glory to Thee!

-- Hymns from Matins of Good Friday


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